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God is the creator of everything, He is much much more than the religions of the humans. God sent his messengers to the humans. Like Noah, Abraham, Mozes, Jesus and Mohammed. The same God.  But people changed books, added books, added texts, deleted texts. Hebrews, Christians, Muslims (yes they too with the hadeeth and the hundreds of law books). They all did.. Only the Koran is reliable. But as I said, God is much more. More than the Koran. İf you have a misguided, mistaken aversion against the Koran,

After overthinking everything, God asks us only a few things:


1. Have belief and faith in the Only God. 2. Being a good person,

adding the Koran to this, 3. History, mostly about Mozes and 4. Advices for a healthy life and healthy society.


That's the koran in brief and God's universal message to humanity. 

Guide to Muslims
Müslümanlar için Rehber

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Gids voor Moslims (bestelbaar)
Clear proof of God's existence
Gids voor Moslims (bestelbaar)
Zeker bewijs voor het bestaan van God
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